Our Mission
The Mission of the Diocese of St. Augustine, Office of Christian Formation is to promote the evangelizing mission of the Church: to form disciples of Jesus Christ, by assisting the Bishop, as the head of the community and teacher of doctrine, to direct and moderate all catechetical activities of the diocese. (National Directory for Catechesis #59 C)
The office promotes the six tasks of catechesis:
Knowledge of the Faith
Liturgical Education
Moral Formation
Teaching to Pray
Education for Community Life
Missionary Initiation
(NDC #20)
What we do:
The Office of Christian Formation provides assistance to parishes and institutions in accomplishing the six tasks of catechesis with the following:
consultation, evaluation and training in the areas of:
religious education for children and youth
adult faith formation
Catechist Formation
Sacramental Preparation
lay ecclesial ministries
and for parish pastoral councils and other advisory boards
Additionally, the Office of Christian Formation provides the following resources:
access to a variety of catechetical materials for previewing
a variety of catechetical and liturgical books for sale at discount
Curriculum - Guide for Parents
Curriculum - Guide for Parents (Spanish)
Curriculum High School
USCCB List of Textbooks in Conformity
Textbook Evaluation
Choosing the right Catechetical Program
Inclusion and Access document
Developmental Stages of Children
Developmental Stages of Children - Guide for Parents
Grade Level Prayers
Religious Education Policies & Appendices
Consent Enrollment Form-English
Consent Enrollment Form-Spanish
Protecting God's Children Resources
Application for Volunteer Work
Reference Check